Contest !! Show StrayDog Sprit And Win Some Awesome Stradog travel packages

Contest !! Show StrayDog Sprit And Win Some Awesome Stradog travel packages

Contest !! Show StrayDog Sprit And Win Some Awesome Stradog travel packages

Contest Official Page : StrayDog Travels 
Your chance to show us your StrayDog spirit and get featured in the Lonely Planet Magazine India.

You could also win some awesome StrayDog travel packages

Prizes to be won

2-page feature in a Lonely Planet Magazine India September issue

3/4 days trip with the Lonely Planet Magazine India team 

Second, Third and Fourth Place Entries

A StrayDog featured travel package for two by Travelyaari to any one location as mentioned here

Instructions to submit your entry
Give a title that creates intrigue and grabs attention. The Title should contain atleast 2 words

Select ‘Travel Bites Contest’ in the category dropdown

Upload a featured image – This will be the main image and will be featured as a banner on your post / entry

Enter a brief write-up (upto a max. of 200 words) describing your adventure. We would love to hear what were the highlights and why it was different from anything you have ever done before. Did it leave an impression? Did you make new friends? Did it change your perspective on life?

Upload upto 4 more images (upto 2MB each) using the ‘Add Media’ button above the Content box.

Submit your entry. Once approved, your entry will be on the site and you can share it with your friends !

Participate To Win Visit Here

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