Have A Safe Journey Contest

Have A Safe Journey Contest

Have A Safe Journey Contest Win Prize Worth INR 50000

Have A Safe Journey Contest

Yo can you should and if you're brave enough to start you will. Your story is your legacy.Publish your short story with the Have A Safe Journey contest. Stories can cause deep influence and impressions. There is a pressing need to apply this literary art in promoting awareness about road safety Entrant means and includes a person participating in the Contest by submitting a short story pursuant to the Contest Safe Journey Short Story Contest 2016 

India Largest country while over 3 lakh people suffer serious injuries and around 1.5 lakh people die in around 5 lakh road accidents reported every year. as such there's not single family that is unaffected by the scourge. how i wish things had panned out differently is such a strong sentiment in most people's lives. Entery based on this subject should encourage adoption of new idea for better road safety. futuristic stories set in say india of 2025 where a whole lot of improvements have taken place to combat road accidents. Human error and callousness are two biggest causes of road accident. Participate Have a Safe Journey and submit your idea to chance win. Winner can not request substitution of cash prize with any other thing

Award includes a certificate and cash prize of INR 50,000
Award shall be presented to the winner by cheque/demand draft or transfer in bank account of the winner as the Contest Manager may decide
Award is sponsored by M & M

The Contest shall close on 12 Noon (IST) on 15th October 2016

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