Free Giveaway Slow Magic Masks

Free Giveaway Slow Magic Masks International Contest

Contest is open worldwide. Entrants who have created social accounts purely for the purpose of entering Competitions or Sweepstakes will not be eligible to win. Entrants must be able to receive prizes via email to be eligible to win. Viral Shares are limited to a maximum of 3 per person. 
Winners will be chosen on Monday 3rd April 2017 and messaged via email, then announced via the widget on this page. Winners will have 72 hours to claim their Prize before another is drawn These custom designed masks were made exclusive for the elusive musician Slow Magic. They're wearable and change colours depending on the music that's playing, whether it's driving drums or subtle synths. These are one of a kind Tell us why you want to win one of the Slow Magic Masks and what gig you'll wear it to! Last week we were browsing the net for some really unique prizes to giveaway when we came across this mysterious Slow Magic Mask.

It's a replica of the mask that the artist called Slow Magic wears when he's performing. It's really quite unique.

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