Holiday Giveaway!! Trip Happy New Year 2021 Contest Participate And Win Prize Worth Rs $6000/- Post inside Trip moments to get a chance to win prizes including a new iPad, Amazon gift card Post qualifying Trip Moments first qualifying Trip Moment posted and approved as part of this campaign will earn 10 Trip Coins Users who successfully post 5 qualifying Trip Moments shall be eligible to take part in the prize competition whereby the top-5 posters in the final leaderboard rankings.
Reward of Holiday Giveaway
Users who delete Trip Moments approved as part of this campaign or who edit them such that they no longer comply with these guidelines shall immediately see their ranking statistics updated to reflect the change Each Trip Moment must contain a minimum of 50 words Photos must be clear with a uniform color tone. Photos with a horizontal perspective are encouraged
Giveaway End : 26th January 2021
Click The Link Below To Play Holiday Giveaway