Blogstar Contest

Blogstar Contest Chance To Win 10 Lakh Prizes In Cash
Blogstar Contest 

Are you Blogger? Write to Love Blog content ? Than Participate Biggest Blogger Contest From UC News its Great chance to win Cash prize upto 10 Lakh simply Participate first register and verify you are blogger or not after you can participate only blog user participate this contest not open to normal player so please participate only blog writer user how to play and what this more detail read below.

How to Play Blogstar Contest
1. To All Those who Dream of Writing it’s a rare chance to be a UC Blogstar
2. Click on the button Login to sign up write articles at get page view on your articles 
3. After signing up become team member of a team you can become a team member by click on build a team to from a team click on join a team and enter a team code to join team click on the join button of recommended tams to join a team
4. The upper limi on group size is 500 members
5. Surpass other teams in ranking to win rward the ranking is based on the total page view of all the articles on uc news written by all team members
6. To rank higher you can invite your friends who can write good articles to sign up and become your team members
7. to invite a friends you can share the code your team your friends can enter you code to join
8. Everone can only join in one team you can leave a team and switch to other team

Prize you win in Cash

Prize for Top Team
1. Team Ranking 1st Prize Rs 200,000/- INR CAsh
2  Team Ranking 2nd Prize Rs 180,000/- INR CAsh
3. Team Ranking 3rd Prize Rs 160,000/- INR CASH
4. Team Ranking 4th Prize Rs 140,000/- INR CASH
5. Team Ranking 5th Prize Rs 120,000/- INR CASH
6. Team Ranking 6th Prize Rs 100,000/- INR CASH
7. Team Ranking 7th Prize Rs 80,000/- INR CASH
8. Team Ranking 8th Prize Rs 60,000/- INR CASH
9. Team Ranking 9th Prize Rs 40,000/- INR CASH

Prize for top Writers
1. Writer Ranking 1st Rs 8,000/- INR CASH
2. Writer Ranking 2nd Rs 6,000/- INR CASH
3. Writer Ranking 3rd Rs 4,000/- INR CASH
4. Writer Ranking 4th Rs 3,000/- INR CASH
5. Writer Ranking 5th Rs 2,000/- INR CASH

More Detail And Participate Here
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