Captain America: Civil War Contest From Near Buy
Team Cap OR Team Iron Man: Vote & Win Free an All-Expense Paid Trip to Atlanta, USA, Viewer Which Super Hero your Favourite Vote Now and Chance To Win Free Trip To USA, Simply Vote Team Captain America or Team Iron Man Vote for Captain America valid for 1 person(s) Stand a chance to win the Captain American ‘Money Can’t Buy’ all expenses paid trip to Atlanta, USA | Stay at the luxurious W Downtown Hotel | VIP pass to the Atlanta Braves baseball game | Movie tickets | Cool merchandise Vote for Iron Man valid for 1 person(s) Stand a chance to win the Iron Man ‘Money Can’t Buy’ all expenses paid trip to Atlanta, USA | Stay at the luxurious W Downtown Hotel | 3 laps in an Audi R8 on a racetrack | Movie tickets | Cool merchandise
Follow the below steps to participate in the contest:
Step 2: Pick your team – Are you on Team Cap or Team Iron Man?
Step 3: Vote by clicking on the ‘Choose Now’ button!
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Pick your team – Are you on Team Cap or Team Iron Man?
Vote by clicking on the ‘Choose Now’ button!
Valid until: 10.05.2016
Contest Dates: 22.04.2016 to 10.05.2016
Vote Now Captain America Civil War Contest