Do you love making TikTok videos? Here is your chance to WIN BIG! Make a video on ‘Why Dairy is Cruel’ and enter our “Tiktok” Contest. Post an original video on TikTok mentioning the facts about the Cruelties in Dairy Farming and win a chance to score prizes worth Rs 2,50,000/- And it’s not just that! The winner wins an astounding amount of Rs 1,00,000/-.
9 creative awards of ₹ 10,000 each would be distributed to Video(s) which are different and well made, unique in concepts and are well-executed. Above all giving, a clear message on the subject only will be eligible for the Creativity Awards. The top 3 winners would be determined on the total number of Likes on their videos.
How To Participate And Win
1. Register yourself on our website Click Here
2. Follow “YV Care” on TikTok , Youtube, Facebook and Instagram
3. Watch our 3 Videos “Ydairyiscruel” for Undertood
4. Create your (50-60 seconds) video as per the contest subject “Why Dairy is Cruel”
5. Upload/Post your video on TikTok along with our two frames
6. Use hashtags #yvcare, #ydairyiscruel & tag @yvcare
The purpose of this Contest is to reward the participants/video creator(s), who will make relevant video(s)per the stated/announced Subject(s),for creating awareness and Education, leading to compassionate living, respecting all Life and our Limited Natural resources
The participants must send the entries from and after 13th March 2020. Contest End : 19th April
Click The Link Below To Participate Tiktok Contest