Amazon Rakhi Fun Trivia Quiz Answer & Win Rs 10000
Celebrate Rakhi with Amazon’s Fun Trivia Quiz! This year, you can win Rs 10,000 just by answering a few trivia questions. The contest is open to all Amazon customers, and there are no purchase requirements.
To enter, simply open the Amazon app and head to the Funzone section. Scroll down to the Fun Trivia Quiz and click on the “Start Quiz” button. You will be asked a total of 5 questions about general knowledge. If you answer all the questions correctly, you will win Rs 10,000.
Amazon Rakhi Fun Trivia Quiz Answer & Win Rs. 10,000!
Answer 1: India
Answer 2: 0
Answer 3: A murder
Answer 4: Antarctica
Answer 5: Joey
Rakhi Fun Trivia Amazon Quiz Answers Find them on, the #1 Online Giveaway Website! We have all the latest updates on online contests, free stuff deals, free samples, cashback, loot deals, loot offers, coupons, and freebie deals. To enter the Amazon Quiz, simply answer all 5 questions correctly. The draw of lots will be held among all “1” participants who answered all 5 questions correctly. The winner will receive Rs. 10,000 Free Amazon Pay Balance.
How Can Participate Play Rakhi Fun Trivia Quiz Answer & Win:
1. Download and Sing In Amazon App Click Here
2. Now Scroll Down Banner of “Amazon Rakhi Fun Trivia Quiz”
3. Answer To 5 Question Time correctly to enter the Lucky Draw
4. 1 Lucky Winner Win Free Free Amazon Pay Balance Rs 10,000.
How To Open Amazon App Contest?
1. Open Amazon App Search Type “Funzone”
2. Scroll Down Find The Banner of Quiz Here Above Contest image From Amazon App Contest
Amazon Rakhi Fun Trivia Quiz Answers:
Q1: Which country does “The Jungle Book” take place in?
Answer: India
Q2: How many bones do sharks have?
Answer: 0
Q3: What do you call a group of crows?
Answer: A murder
Q4: Where is the coldest place on Earth?
Answer: Antarctica
Q5: Which of the six main characters on the TV show “Friends” never got married?
Answer: Joey
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Amazon Rakhi Fun Trivia Quiz & Win Rs 10,000. Total 1 Prize that will be given under this contest. The Prize will be delivered to the winner on or before 16st September, 2023
Contest End: September 5th, 2023 11:59 PM
Click The Link Below & Play Rakhi Fun Trivia & Win Contest