Fan of The Year Contest
Play Fan of The Year Contest Now Live!! You Can Chance to Win Amazon Gift Card Total Worth Rs 10000/- INR Just participate daily contest and chance to win Remember: #Fanoftheyear is the contest of game and engagement with Merino Laminates Facebook page. Along with participation in the game, you also need to like, share and comment each and every post of Merino Laminates till 31st. Tip: I may be a great Fan if I ask at least my 20 friends to like Merino Laminates Facebook page Here are the terms & conditions for participating in fan of the year contest. Stay tuned for the first sub contest. On 1st Week of Jarunary 2017 3 Winner will be announced on two parameters a maximum number of correct answers to all 4 contests There will be 4 mini contest hosted under fan of the year Maximu engagement during 16th dec to 31st dec 2016 Engagment means here commenting liking and sharing the ativitiy post shared by merio laminates on your facebook timeline supplemented with the hashtag #FanofTheYear
Top 3 Winner will be awared amazon shopping vouchers as prize the denomination being
1. 1st Prize Rs 5000 worth Amazon Shopping Vouchers
2. 2nd Prize Rs 3000 worth Amazon Shopping Vouchers
1. 3rd Prize Rs 2000 worth Amazon Shopping Vouchers
From the image below, there are 2 identical images with some differences. You need to identify the differences in “IMAGE 1” and post your answers in the form below.
Rules of the game:
– One person – One entry
– Negative marking is applicable
– Once you have submitted your answers here, you need to then write “#FANOFTHEYEAR – Game1 Done” in comment section in Facebook
Good luck and Happy playing!
Participate Now To Win