Free Mobile Jeeto Rojana Watch & Win 12-3 PM
Free Mobile Jeeto Rojana (Daily) Watch & Win Sonic Gang TV From 12-3 PM Monday To Friday. Spot The Mobile Number During The Contest Period To Missed Call and Win Free Mobile Phone Daily. This Contest For Cartoon Lovers who’s loved watched the cartoon Participate only kids.
How To Play Free Mobile Jeeto Rojana Watch & Win 12-3 PM?
- Watch Sonic Gang TV From 12:00 pm To 3:00 PM Monday To Friday
- Spot The Mobile Number On Screen During The Contest Period
- Simply Missed Call The Spotted Numbers
- Received Confirmation SMS For Participate
- One Lucky Winners Win Free Mobile Phone Rojana (Daily)
Free Mobile Jeeto Rojana Watch & Win Rules:
- A Participant is required to watch the Channel every Monday – Friday from 12:00 P.M. till 03:00 P.M. during the Contest Period.
- Spot the unique toll-free number (“Unique Contest Number”) which will be flashed/featured on the Channel at random intervals during that Daily Contest Period.
- Give a missed call on the Unique Contest Number flashed during the Contest Period.
- An entry will be considered valid only if the (a) Participant has given the missed call on the Unique Contest Number during that particular Daily Contest Period, from a valid landline/mobile number registered with Service Provider, and (b) Participant has strictly complied with the Contest terms and conditions
- Organizer may at its discretion send a push SMS to the Participant for their participation in the Contest, and if so, sent by Organizer, Participant hereby acknowledges, and willfully consents to receiving such push SMS.
Free Mobile Jeeto Rojana Watch & Win Missed Call & Shortlisted:
- During each Daily Contest Period, the number of times the Unique Contest Number will differ as determined by the Organizer in its sole discretion. The Participants may participate more than once on an everyday basis to increase their chances/probability of winning, however each Winner of the Contest (as selected, and declared by Organizer, in the manner stated herein) shall be eligible to win only 1 (one) Prize.
- At the end of each day of the Contest Period, from amongst the Participants who have submitted a valid Contest Entry, the Organizer shall select, and shortlist 3 (three) telephone/mobile number from which there has been most number of missed calls made to the Unique Mobile Number for that particular day, as determined by the Organizer, in its sole discretion.
- 3 (three) such telephone/mobile number shall be selected daily from each Daily Contest Period thereby resulting in a total of 45 (forty five) such telephone/mobile numbers being shortlisted.
- The Participants who’s telephone/mobile numbers are selected as per the aforementioned criteria shall be referred to as Shortlisted Participants, and shall be subject to further verification.
- Before being considered, and declared as a Winner, the Shortlisted Participants may be contacted anytime by Organizer either on their e-mail id/contact number provided as determined by Organizer, and such contacted Shortlisted Participant shall be required to immediately provide Organizer with such information as asked for by the Organizers.
Free Mobile Jeeto Rojana Watch & Win Prize Details:
- Smart Phone Approximately INR 10,000/- to INR 15,000/-
- For the sake of clarity, it is understood that each Winner of the Contest
- Shall be entitled to only 1 (one) unit of any 1 (one) of the Prize item mentioned in the table above, and such Prize shall be given to the Winner, subject to the terms and conditions mentioned herein, and at sole discretion of the Organizer.
- Distribution of Prize shall at all times depend on the production, and availability of such Prize by the third party manufacturer/distributor of the Prize.
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Free Mobile Jeeto Rojana Watch & Win Contest Duration:
The Contest shall be held every Monday to Friday commencing on November 6, 2023, at 12:00 P.M. and shall conclude on November 24, 2023, at 03:00 P.M. or any other date or time as decided by the Organizer
Click The Link Below To Know More Term And Condition