Fruit Recipe Contest Win Prizes Rs 500

Fruit Recipe Contest Win Prizes Rs 500

Participate in the Fruitopia Recipe Contest by sharing your creative fruit recipes and stand a chance of winning a bb gift card worth Rs. 500
Participate in the Fruitopia Recipe Contest by sharing your creative fruit recipes and stand a chance of winning a bb gift card worth Rs. 500.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away, or so the saying goes. But did you know that it’s not just apples? Thousands of fruit varieties are available in India, both native and global; each is packed with nutrients that boost our physical and mental health. Let’s dive into a fantastic fruity adventure in this issue!

How To Participate Fruit Recipe Contest Win Prizes?

  1. Play Fruit Recipe Contest Win Prizes Click Here
  2. Contest On Google Form Must Need Google Account Logged
  3. Fill Your Details Correctly
  4. Share Your Fruit Recipe Details
  5. Lucky MFK Winners Win Free Bigbasket Gift Voucher Rs 500
Cut fruits are great but sometimes, fruit-filled recipes are even more awesome! Jazz up your healthy lifestyle with some fruity flair. From epic Apple-Nut Blue Cheese Tartlets to creamy Chikoo Halwa, we’ve handpicked 4 mouthwatering recipes for you to try.
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Step up your fruit game! Send us a creative fruit recipe and stand a chance to win a bb gift card worth Rs. 500.
Contest End: 26th September
Click The link Below To Share Fruit Recipe & Win Prizes
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