Happy Thanks Giving Contest Win Free Leagoo M8 Smartphone
Contest Thanks Giving
Participate Leagoo Official Page on Facebook page and chance to win FREE Leagoo Smartphone M8 new launched recently this contest open to for everyone mean every user participate this contest world wide (Global Contest) International contest you can participate from anywhere its amazing contest simple rule to win only like and share after post in comment thanks with image and win
Happy thanksgiving In order to express our gratitude to all friends who follow and support LEAGOO, here we hold a LEAGOO thanks giving giveaway.
Now Black Friday OFFER is Live You Can Buy Anything Online Lowest Price For Limited Time OFFER Live on our partner web gearbest you just shop and also win unbeatable price online this offer and contest open for world wide user from USA Dubai UK India Pakistan and more countries viewers participate this great offer and deal contest First 500 paid orders every promo day can enjoy an extra paypal discount 2% Flat order over $50
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Note : Free Shipping World Wide + 100% Refund Guaranteed
How To Participate
1) Like Leagoo official Facebook page.
2) Like and share this giveaway post to your timeline.
3) Leave comments or pictures to share who you want to thankful for or how to celebrate it.
1) Winner is randomly selected from people who have finished all above steps.
2) Winners will be announced on Nov. 30th.
3) All explanation reserved to LEAGOO. Any abusive/ inappropriate comment will result in an automatic elimination from the contest without warning.
Time: Nov.24th,-Nov.29th 2016
More Detail And Participate Here