Photo Contest By Sony Alpha Win Lens Every Month

Photo Contest By Sony Alpha Win Lens Every Month Worth Rs 50000/- INR
Participate Online Photo Contest By Sony And Chance To Win Lens Every Month. It’s Not Just Picture That you look at. There is more to it. Every Picture has a story to tell a story that is inspired by the world we live in. Submit Photographs clicked with Sony India Alpha Express interesting story to the world for the given theme of the month stand chance to win an Sony India Alpha Lens every worth Worth Rs 50000/- INR Just participate under the Sony Alpha Community Photo Contest and send share your story according to theme “Peace of Mind” and get a chance to win an α Lens worth up-to Rs. 50,000/-. This contest is providing by the Sony India alpha community webpage. To participate under this special contest any candidates have to follow below link and Submit photographs clicked with α and express interesting story to the world for the given theme of the montt and Stand a chance to win an α lens every month.

This Contest For Every Country with Different webpage participate choose your country and win

How it Works
1. The Themes of the Contest will be announced on the 1st Date of Every Month.
2. Sony India Alpha Owners can click photographs based on the particular Theme for the month and upload it on the Sony India Alpha Community by the last day of the same month Photo Submission for the period will close there after.
3. Post this all the Entries will be shared with Sony India Alpha Expert Dheeraj Paul who will judge the best photo and provide the reason for choosing winner it.
4. The Winner of the Sony India Alpha Photo Contest will be Announced on The our community in the month post the photo submission month the respective themes.

Participate Now To Win
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