Samsung Galaxy Z Fold5 And Flip5 Quiz Win Rs 10000

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold5 And Flip5 Quiz Win Rs 10000

the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold5 and Flip5 Quiz Answer & Win Free Prizes
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold5 and Flip5 Quiz Answer Simple Question on Amazon Fun Trivia App Contest & Get Chance To Win Free Amazon Pay Balance Worth Rs 10000/- INR. Amazon is giving away Rs. 10,000 Amazon Pay balance to one lucky winner who answers all the questions correctly in the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold5 and Flip5 Quiz. 

Amazon Samsung Galaxy Z Fold5 And Z Flip5 Quiz Answers:

Q1: How many times larger is the cover screen on Flip5 compared to Flip4?
Answer: 3.78 Times
Q2: Why is Z Fold5 the most powerful PC in your pocket?
Answer: All of the above 
Q3: Why is Z Flip5 the most pocketable self expression tool ?
Answer: All of the above
Q4: What is the peak brightness on Z Fold5?
Answer: 1750 nits
Q5: How has Z Flip5 taken the Selfie experience up a notch?
Answer: All of the above 
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold5 And Z  Flip5 Amazon Quiz Answers Find them on, the #1 Online Giveaway Website! We have all the latest updates on online contests, free stuff deals, free samples, cashback, loot deals, loot offers, coupons, and freebie deals. To enter the  Amazon Quiz, simply answer all 5 questions correctly. The draw of lots will be held among all “10” participants who answered all 5 questions correctly. The winner will receive Rs. 10,000 Free Amazon Pay Balance.

How Can Participate Play Samsung Galaxy Z Fold5 And Z Flip5 Quiz Answer & Win: 

1. Download and Sing In Amazon App Click Here
2. Now Scroll Down Banner of “Amazon Samsung Galaxy Z Fold5 And Flip5 Quiz”
3. Answer To 5 Question Time correctly to enter the Lucky Draw
4. 10 Lucky Winner Win Free Free Amazon Pay Balance Rs 10,000.

How To Open Amazon App Contest? 

1. Open Amazon App Search Type “Funzone” 
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Amazon Samsung Galaxy Z Fold5 And Z Flip5 Quiz Answer & Win Rs. 10,000!

Answer 1: 3.78 Times
Answer 2: All of the above 
Answer 3: All of the above
Answer 4: 1750 nits
Answer 5: All of the above 
Amazon Samsung Galaxy Z Fold5 And Z Flip5 Quiz & Win Rs 10,000. Total 10 Prize that will be given under this contest. The Prize will be delivered to the winner on or before 29th October, 2023
Contest End: September 29th, 2023 11:59 PM
Click The Link Below & Play Samsung Galaxy Z Fold5 And Flip5 & Win Contest
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