Winter Green Leafy Recipe Contest Win Rs 500

Winter Green Leafy Recipe Contest Win Rs 500

Warming up Body & Soul is winter continues, recipe so does our craving for warm green, comforting foods.
Warm Winter Welcome with Green Leafy Recipe Get ready to add a burst of freshness to your winter table. Warming up Body & Soul is winter continues, so does our craving for warm, comforting foods.  Add shades of green to your favourite comfort foods to give them an extra dollop of nutrients.

How To Participate Winter Green Leafy Recipe Contest Win Rs 500?:

  1. Play Winter Green Leafy Recipe Contest
  2. Contest on Google Forum Must Logged your Google Account
  3. Fill Your Correct Details
  4. Share Your Winter Green Leafy Recipe
  5. Lucky MFK winners Win Free Prize Rs 500

The Winter Green Leafy Unknown:

  • While the likes of spinach and lettuce are beloved staples, there are many more rich leafy greens that deserve attention and a spot on more plates. Be it Andhra’s favourite Pulicha Keerai or the leaves of Moringa oleifera, the “miracle tree”, here are six lesser-known, yet equally powerful, leafies you should try.

Mathi Leafy is Legend Recipe

  • India is a fertile land of green leafy vegetables, and among them methi is king. With its slightly bitter aftertaste, cooking methi is an artform in itself. To guide you along the way, we’ve curated four lip-smacking recipes.
Share a warm and hearty recipe featuring winter greens and stand a chance to win a bb gift card worth Rs. 500!
Contest End: 19th December
Click The Link Below To Share Your Winter Leafy Recipe
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