Report To Not Received Prize From Sonali Saxena Scam reported via user Sonali Saxena Twitter Handle @SaxenaSonali77
She report this page on Twitter and mail us our team she is win on twitter handle but she is not received prize.
About Register for IV League and get free samples of our fragrance mists this site providing Fragrance online Sonali Saxena Report this page run fake type contest its little bit like a cheating. Sonali Saxena sen proof winning tweet screen shot
2. @MaybellineIndia Twitter handle Winner but She not received prize. twitter handle winner Sonali saxena but she not received yet prize please you big brand so please help her. Welcome to the official Twitter handle @MaybellineIndia of Maybelline New York India! Follow us for your daily makeup trends and Make It Happen!
maybeliine is a highly reputed brand that i have always adored
but nowadays its making me chamge my mind and to shift to other brands
w.r.t a contest held in june on twitter
i was declared winner and till now inspire of my mine tweets there has been no reply from maybelline
when asked from co-winner
she replied maybelline always reply to her
this is total disappointment
very heartened
request u to kindly look in to it
3. A delectable range of products to choose from! French Fries, Smiles, Aloo Tikki, Potato Cheese Shotz and a lots more. also win here on twitter handle @McCainFoodsInd but she not received prize. McChain you big brand in india please resolve her problem.
i was declared winner in McCain #bringerofsmiles contest on twitter
they say “goodieswill be given”
but they never give
pls help team
Any query please contact to twitter handle to reporter.